For the next 18 months, I will be serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the California Santa Rosa mission, teaching the gospel in Spanish! My dad will be updating my blog with photos, information, and my letters each week so you can know what I'm up to. I am so excited to be serving and I love this gospel! Please, please, please send me emails, letters, and photos! I really appreciate hearing from the people I know and love :)

Sunday, December 15, 2013

NEW as of Dec 15 - Sep 30

Hi Family!
I didn't get an email from you this morning so I'm hoping (and guessing) that everything is alright. Hope you all had wonderful weeks!! We are doing great here in Napa. Hermana Underwood and I are getting along great. I don't know why I've been so blessed with such wonderful companions! She and I are different, but she is super funny and she makes me laugh. She is also a great missionary and we are working well together. Sometimes it can be discouraging when we feel like we don't know what we're doing, but it really is true that when we rely on the Lord and give Him all our stresses, worries, and insecurities, He blesses us and makes us strong. I am so grateful for His constant love that I can feel as I turn to Him.
This week we had some amazing experiences. We are teaching a woman named Yolanda, and she is incredible. She is so strong. Her husband died years ago of cancer, and she has two daughters in their twenties - one who has severe disabilities. She takes care of her daughter almost 24/7 day after day in her home. She is a woman of such great faith. This past little while, Yaneli (her daughter with disabilities) has been pretty sick and has been having seizures and attacks really often. Yolanda has to stay up with her and help her, and so she hasn't slept in days. We asked her if she and Yaneli wanted the Elders to come over and give them both a blessing, and she accepted. A few days later we went over with Elder Hermann and Elder Phillips, who are still both struggling with the language. We forgot we couldn't go inside without a man in the house, so we went out to the backyard. Yaneli was really friendly with us that day and she grabbed my hand and led me to the porch swing and we sat down together. She also grabbed Hermana Underwood and had her sit down. We held her hands as Elder Hermann gave her a blessing of health. It was in broken spanish and it was very simple, but it was perfect for Yaneli. Yolanda said that she usually gets really upset when someone touches her, but she was very calm and still for the blessing. Afterwards, Yolanda switched places with Hermana Underwood and the Elders gave her a blessing of comfort. It was a beautiful blessing, straight from heaven, especially because Elder Phillips said several things that we knew about her but we hadn't told him at all. The Lord knows us and our situations. In the blessing, Heavenly Father also told Yolanda how special her daughter was, and that she had already secured her reward in the highest kingdom of our Father. In that moment I felt the spirit so strongly, and I was so honored and touched to be holding the hand of one of Heavenly Father's most precious daughters. It was such a tender experience. Hermana Underwood and I felt so blessed to be a part of it. Please keep Yolanda in your prayers. I feel like she is ready to recieve the gospel and she has such faith, but with all that is going on, it's hard for her to find time and energy to read, pray, and recieve answers.
The Spanish is slowly getting better - gracias for your prayers! :) 
Thank youfor the letters this week - I got letters from Andrea Vance, Monica (I got your dearelder too!), Mary Lou, Gran, and Melissa. It was fantastic! It was so good to hear from everyone.
I'm still SO excited for Gran and Grandad!! How incredible!! Although it's good they "happened" to see me at the Provo temple, because I won't be seeing them for awhile! :( I'm so grateful for such an amazing family.
We have been seeing miracles across our mission with the use of online work and proselyting. Many people who aren't comfortable talking to missionaries in person at first have been taught and found online. Last week President Alba said that we have had 8 baptisms as a result of online work, and that it was only the beginning. We have had rules changed and changed so we are constantly adapting and trying to figure things out. Rachel, I forgot to answer your question last week - you wouldn't count as a member present because you're not over 16, but we could teach Isabelle on Skype if she wanted! Talk to her and tell her to facebook message me!
Also, please ask anyone who has a friend who might be ready to recieve the restored gospel to message me. We can message without becoming "friends" and then I can add or talk to anyone who might be interested or ready, especially those who might be more comfortable talking to missionaries online rather than in person. I promise we will take care of your friends!
I love you so much!! Sorry that I don't have any pictures this week but I'm doing great. If you were going to send an email but it just didnt work or whatever, maybe dearelder it, or I'll get it next week!
Con mucho amor,

Hermana Vance

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